Welcome to the journey!
I have written a book called Journey To My Daughter. It is the story of how my husband Marc and I found and adopted our oldest chid, Hilary. It details my experience with miscarriage as well as everything we went through to find Hilary through adoption, from our first introduction to adoption, the mundane process of gathering paperwork and completing a homestudy, a failed adoption attempt that included a frenetic last-minute trip to Hanoi, Vietnam, through the placement of Hilary and actually bringing her home.
Beyond the physical journey, however, is my spiritual journey of learning to listen to the universe and follow the signs which should have helped me to realize when I was following a path not meant for me.
Jennifer Rose Asher
Jennifer Rose Asher, the author, is the proud mom of 3 wonderful children and lives with her family, dogs, and horses outside of Dallas, Texas.